All donations or purchases are tax deductible and proceeds support the foundation’s 2025 objectives including:
Creation of a higher education scholarship for a 2025 Ocean City high school graduating senior who has been diagnosed with cancer or whose family has been impacted by cancer.
Contributions to my cancer center, Memorial Sloan Kettering, where I received surgery and treatment to support their continued research in finding a cure.
Our Story.
In March 2022, I was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called an Oligodendroglioma. An 8-hour brain surgery operation was completed in April, followed by 30 days of radiation + 7 months of chemotherapy. There have been many up’s (limited long-term side effects from surgery, being released from the hospital, MRIs showing stable results) & down’s (post surgery blood clots, unexpected seizure, and consistent anxiety, medication side effects) along the way. Constants have been the love + patience of Ashley (married together for 19 years) and consistent surfing & yoga practices including during daily radiation treatments.
The Keep Paddling Foundation was established with a mission to “Keep Paddling” through life’s adversities to influence, inspire and advocate.
The phrase “Keep Paddling” is a surfing term used in the ocean that can also be applied to life on land. While surfing, there are moments where we get “caught inside”. A big set of waves breaks on top of us, pushes us back to the beach while we’re trying to paddle out or keeps us held under water longer than expected.
We can also get “caught inside” during life where a string of negative events seems to happen to us all at the same time: a bad break up, loss of a job or loved one, an unexpected home or car expense, etc.
Why the name “Keep Paddling”

“All It Takes Is One Wave”
When the wave of life hits hard, you have 3 choices:
This won’t help.
In the surf, we’ll get washed back to the beach ending our surf session.
In life, we’ll fail to reach our goals resulting in a setback, disappointment or potential fear of trying again.
This is even worse.
Panicking in the surf may result in injury or drowning.
Panicking in life can cloud our thinking, decision making or amplify fear.
In the surf, we may take a pounding, get beat up, or held under water, but we’ll hold our position so when the set of waves end and there’s a period of calm, we’ll be in position for the next ride.
In life, when adversity and problems pile on, the same period of calm follows where we can focus on gratitude, rebuild our lives and reset goals.
Big or small, life’s “waves” will always keep coming. It’s in these moments we have to remember to “keep paddling.”